Stranger Than Fiction!
This is a test. The following are three actual headlines from Yahoo Headline News. Is one of these things not like the others, or are they all brutally true facts in a cold, uncaring universe?
1) Labor Angry Over Obama-Backed Insurance Tax.B) Sex Robot Focuses On Appealing To The Mind.
#) Sarah Palin Takes Fox News Commentator Job.
The answer is, "YES"!
In all three cases, someone or something is going to get screwed; in the first, it will be workers trying to afford health care, in the second, it will be poor defenceless robots, and in the third, clustering-mind-fucks for anyone naive enough to watch that supreme insult to the intelligence, Fox "News".
I wonder if Fox has considered approaching the talking sex Robot about a commentator job? Maybe she'll be Sarah's running mate in 2012! Now that's a dream ticket we can get behind!
Have you heard about the new Sarah Palin doll out on the market? When you pull her string she says things like, " yep, that gig is up," "people aren't buying that "60 minute" crap anymore," "JOE the plumber," "I can see Russia from my house," "I can wink, I can wink, " "I have perfect vision: these frames have no lenses." You have minutes of fun when you play with the new Sarah Palin doll. Comes with full camouflage outfit and AK47.
I hope that's a joke.
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