The Last Banana

Uncaring Chimp, your table is ready! I'm R.E.Tard, and I'll be your waiter tonight. Our daily special is the "Pointless Rambling Platter", served with a huge Waste of Time, and a generous dollop of Stupidity, all completely meatless for those who prefer to vegetate. Bon appetite!

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Location: Roseburg, Oregon, United States

I've outlived John Lennon over twenty years now, and I'm still a fucking waste of life. Oh well. Maybe the radiation from Fukushima will make me into an X Man!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I'll Never Forget What's-His-Face

The saddest thing that can happen to a person is to not be missed. The most liberating thing that can happen to a person is to not give a shit.

I just had to let it go...empathy, the great waster...sit around and feel for the wretched. Do they feel for you? Don't kid yourself. There is no feeling for you. There is no connection. There is only a great, deep, dark, bottomless hole that sucks in everything and leaves you standing alone, a dried husk, paralyzed by despair.

Shake 'em off. There is nothing there but self-pity, need, and waste. And nothing matters anyway. Nothing lasts, and nothing is real. Nothing to get hung about, as the poet said. Have another drink and go to bed.

You can't choose your relatives, you can only hide from them. However, you can choose your friends. And when your friends hide from you, it's time to cut your losses and pack up. Well, what the hell. Buy the ticket. Take the ride.


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