The Last Banana

Uncaring Chimp, your table is ready! I'm R.E.Tard, and I'll be your waiter tonight. Our daily special is the "Pointless Rambling Platter", served with a huge Waste of Time, and a generous dollop of Stupidity, all completely meatless for those who prefer to vegetate. Bon appetite!

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Location: Roseburg, Oregon, United States

I've outlived John Lennon over twenty years now, and I'm still a fucking waste of life. Oh well. Maybe the radiation from Fukushima will make me into an X Man!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Reading is Fun-da-mental

The Last Banana

You mylar sixteen tons of books, and what do you get? Really, really bored, that's what. But here's an interesting book, "First Democracy" by Paul Woodruff. Here's what I learned from the dust jacket: Seven Prerequisites for democracy; Freedom from tyranny (including tyranny of majority rule, oh help!), Harmony (blending of differient views), Rule of Law, Natural Equality, Citizen Wisdon (good luck with that one, eh?), Reasoning Without Knowledge (I think they used to call that logic) and General Education (I guess we can kiss that one goodbye). Acknowledging the validity of this list, can one honestly say with a straight face the George W. Bush is really qualified in any way to spread democracy? Or Peanut Butter? Well, it will probably be a moot point after WWIII anyway.

Friday, February 11, 2005

The Last Banana

Books, Thery're Not Just For Breakfast Anymore.
Hey, here's another book to destroy your faith in the inherent goodness and godliness of mankind; "Plundering Paradice, the hand of man on the Galapagos Islands" by Michael D'Orso. They just can't leave anything alone.
Thought of the day: If you ever get a book published, know that when they put a mylar dust jacket cover on it for the library, the tape will go right over the authors face. Have fun with it. When you pose for the picture, claw at the air like you're trying to get the tape off your face. Especially if it's a childrens book.

Wad Of Pig Snot

Wad Of Pig Snot
Hey, my banana has disappeared. What's up with that?

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Last Banana

A kiss before drying
"It has become appalling obvious that our technoloy has exceeded our humanity." That quote is attributed to Albert Einstein, who died in 1955. Way before reality TV. And he never even read "God & George W. Bush, a spiritual life" by Paul Kengor. If he had, he might have killed himself before coming up with the theory of realitivity, and where would we be now? Probably in just as shitty a place as we are. But what about "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins? That should be required reading. But it won't be. Ignorance is power. Slavery is freedom. War is peace. You know the drill.
The Orientalist, by Tom Reiss. The true story of a Russian Jew who escapes to Germany after the revolution and became a best selling author. Marries a rich chick. She dumps him. Discovered as a jew when recruited to become Musolini's biographer. Rough life. Class IS what it's all about. I feel sorry for the rich. It is they who suffer the most when the pendulum swings the other way, and the poor get sick of being pissed on. The poor are used to suffering. The rich are not. Boo Hoo.
And lastly, "What We Knew" by Johnson & Reuband. Terror, Mass Murder, & Everyday Life in Nazi Germany. Apparently your average german suffered so much after WWI that Hitler seemed like a good idea at the time. Well, shucks. Could that be a sneek peek into our future? I wonder how bad things will get? Tighten your seat belt, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Culling the flock

The Last Banana
Hey, it must be spring! Did I see my shadow? Hell, no. I can't even see my feet. But the signs of spring are everywhere around the old warehouse. Yes, you got it! People are getting fired! Yesterday, Gail, after eight years. Today Sylvia, after six years. Also this week two stockers. Last week two pickers. But not me. No, they'll NEVER fire me. They want to see me dead. But on the bright side, if I make it to the end of May I hit TEN YEARS. And I'm gonna get a clock. The clock has a plaque, and I hear the lucky recipient can choose what's engraved on it. After much thought, I have decided to request it say, "May Death Come On Swift Wings". And maybe, if there's a god in heaven, I will be cursed with eternal life, and granted the ability to return from the dead and wreak my vengeance on the living with my horrible rotting Ingram mummy hands, BWWAAAHHHAAA!

The State Of The Shit Hole Address

The Last Banana On the bright side, the Ruling Class are having a super time restructuring Amerika into a hopless feudal state. "Dennis! There's some lovely filth down here". Not possessing the ability "to smile while I kill" I feel pretty lucky to have superior wallowing skills to fall back on. Mmmmm, filth.
All in all, the rape of our nation doesn't really affect my life that much. Except that I can't stand to be within thirty feet of any TV, fifty if it's broadcasting Fox News, and listening to the radio or reading the newpaper sends me into head-banging despair. Especially the "Public Forum". Sweet Zombie Jesus. How can these pinheads be so stupid?
Which leads me to my final thought for the day. Is the whole fucking world losing IQ points at a steady pace, or is it just my imagination? The babbling idiots on the PA at work end every rambling sentence on a high note, affecting a little girl sing-songy voice of divine innocence, making most statements seem like questions. Daily Safety Reminders insult our intelligence almost as much as the roped-off walk-ways and "Big Brother" like posters. I realize we've pretty much gone through the cream of the labor force in these parts, but jesus christ, are we really recuiting from the short bus graduates? Oh course, judging from the number of bush bumper stickers I have had to see in this county, it is just possible that we ARE morons, and fully deserve the ghastly future in store for us. But, as I said, it hasn't really had much impact on me, except of course for TRIPLING my beer consumption. And what with recycling and all, it is something of an inconvenience. Tomorrow, I am initiaiting a feasability study on domestic keg procurement. Hey, maybe I could get a government job! Director of Department of Home Keg Security. Well, enough for now. I'm gonna go make a toast, "To Freedom For Iran"! Who SHALL we free next?