Another day
Just got off the phone with my 67 year old sister in California. She calls me occasionally, when no one else will answer. I listen to her complain about her past, AGAIN, listen to her complain about her present, listen to her Fox News induced bullshit. She occasionally asks me a question about MY life. I try to respond. She cuts me off in mid sentence to relate something about how it corresponds to HER life. I bite my tongue. I get angry. I open a beer. Time goes by. I listen, because...shit, why DO I listen? Well, it's HER nickle, and, damnit, somebody has too, I guess. It is our human obligation to listen to someone reaching out, right? I open another beer. MORE time goes by. I get REALLY drunk. I TRY to talk to her, to MAKE her connect with another human, and see common ground. I fail. She is not interested in connecting. She just wants SOMEONE to listen. Well, fair enough. We all need someone to listen. But, damn, it is actually painful to absorb her psychic detritus! However, being a child of the light, I embrace my cosmic obligation, and drink more beer! Fuck, am I drunk.
Where am I going with this? I kind of forgot. Oh wait, yeah! It is this: We all connected. The good of the many outweighs the good of the few. Or the one. Everything I needed to know I learned from Star Trek. We need to forget what makes us different from one another and embrace what we all have in common. Can that even happen? Yes, given enough time. Do we have that much time left? Oh, shit. I don't know. Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna have another beer.
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