The Last Banana

Uncaring Chimp, your table is ready! I'm R.E.Tard, and I'll be your waiter tonight. Our daily special is the "Pointless Rambling Platter", served with a huge Waste of Time, and a generous dollop of Stupidity, all completely meatless for those who prefer to vegetate. Bon appetite!

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Location: Roseburg, Oregon, United States

I've outlived John Lennon over twenty years now, and I'm still a fucking waste of life. Oh well. Maybe the radiation from Fukushima will make me into an X Man!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Lookining

A funny thing happened to me yesterday. I went into town, something I actively avoid doing these days, but beer doesn't buy itself and show up in the fridge on its own, ya know. As a rule I avoid all unnecessary contact with other humanoid lifeforms. Especially EYE CONTACT. Oh, I REALLY avoid eye contact. I don't even wear my glasses unless I'm driving, and instinctively flinch away from all reflective surfaces. However, quite by accident, while shuffling across the parking lot of the place I go to buy the essentials of life, I happened to find myself looking directly at another person, and by some strange coincidence, that person returned my glance, at which time we both SMILED and nodded at each other in some primordial ritual of greeting and recognition.

Much as I hate to admit it, that brief moment of contact made me feel...better. It was actually a pleasant experience, to acknowledge and be acknowledged by a fellow being. It was so pleasant, in fact, that I decided to try to reproduce the experience inside the supermarket by actively looking at people and smiling, just to see what happened. God only knows what kind of pervert they thought I was.

Out the dozens of people in that stressful environment, while most prefered to remain insulated from perception, at least four returned the smile, so I consider the experiment a great success. Perhaps this is an indication of an awakening, an inner realization of the situation humanity is sliding into and the need to reestablish contact with each other before it is too late.

I vow to continue this effort in human interaction on my future bi-weekly excursions into what remains of our civilization, and see what fruit it bears.


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