I Need My Pain.
As I get older...MUCH older...and drunker, I have come to LOVE Star Trek V. Is this a sign of impending Alzheimer Disease? I will not debate that now, as I'm close to passing out, but despite my initial reaction to viewing this film at the time of it's release (which was to cringe, weep and pray that this would not be the last movie to remember my childhood heros by), on repeated viewings, while admittedly under the influence, I have come to RESPECT certain philosophical points made by Captain Kirk: His distrust of Divine Authority Figures in general, and in particular, his acceptance of PAIN and GUILT.
Like any good Jewish Son, Kirk says Guilt and Pain are the things that make us who we are. He is RIGHT.
Pain and Guilt trigger our empathy. Without empathy, we are all sociopaths living only for ourselves, and negating all that is human within us. Yes, that which does not kill us DOES make us stronger, and it makes us more human as well, and keeps us connected with all that there is, or was, or ever will be.